14th May, 2022

Benefits of Helping Local Communities

Not only is volunteering a great way to improve your local community and the lives of everyone who lives there, but it’s also a great way to develop key skills and attributes that set you apart from the crowd. Volunteering builds character and helps you become a more well-rounded person. So, the impact volunteering has on the community has just as much as an impact on your own future. Here are six benefits of donating your time to helping local communities.

1. Develop Skills That Stand Out

Volunteering is a fantastic learning experience for high school students. Though you may get involved with a community project because it showcases your current talents, you’ll also develop new skills as you work. You can:

One specific skill you can develop from volunteering is time management. Between school, work, family, and friends, it may seem like an impossible feat to integrate volunteering into your schedule. However, studies have shown that those who volunteer actually feel like they have more time than those who don’t. Relief from feeling constrained by limited time will help you decrease the level of stress you feel while trying to manage your various commitments.

2. Boost Your Confidence and Self-Esteem

Perhaps the largest emotional benefit of volunteering is that it helps you develop self-esteem, improve your confidence, and increase your feelings of self-worth. Connecting with others helps stabilize your emotions, and studies show that volunteering improves your mental health. Most people feel good when they give back to a worthy cause. Feelings of satisfaction and altruism, along with the pride of seeing your work improve the lives of others, are just a few of the emotional benefits volunteering provides.

Volunteering also allows you to find a new place within your community. High school students are going through many changes as they transition into adulthood. If you’ve ever felt alone or like you haven’t found the activity that suits you best, volunteering may help you discover something new about yourself. Getting engaged with the community by volunteering surrounds you with new opportunities, friendships, and ways you can enjoy your time. Not only will you not feel alone, but you’ll also be helping other people who may feel lonely, too.

3. Learn Empathy and Compassion

Empathy and compassion are two attributes that can dramatically improve your community. Volunteering promotes empathy, which in turn promotes behaviors that continue to benefit society. When we choose to donate our time to those in need, we form a deeper emotional connection to the world around us. These experiences allow us to see what life is like in someone else’s shoes and recognize the parallels in our own lives.

Many volunteers often discover that those who need our help are not much different than themselves. We all love our families and cherish our friendships. When you see others—especially fellow students—struggling through one of life’s common obstacles, not only can you relate to their situation, but you’re also inspired to help. This empathy leads us to share our compassion with others, bringing out the best in all of us.

Volunteering is empathy in action. Although you aren’t volunteering your time and effort to get something in return, studies have shown that you do receive an especially powerful benefit: love. There is an undeniable relationship between the love you put into the project and the love you receive in return. The compassion you share with others, paired with your developing empathy, increases your propensity to feel that same love in your own life.

4. Improve Your Social and Relationship Skills

Empathy and compassion enable us to view the world from a new perspective. As we internalize the struggles and challenges of others, we learn more about those we live, work, and go to school with. The people you volunteer with feel this empathy, as well. When you work together to improve the lives of those who need support, you make an emotional connection with one another. These acts are manifestations of the values we consider most important—putting these values to work alongside others with the same passion brings us closer together.

You won’t need to wait long to see these relationship skills blossom. Many people notice they have stronger bonds of friendship with the coworkers, classmates, and individuals they volunteer alongside. Volunteering brings people closer together, whether they’ve known each other for their whole lives or just recently met through the project.

5. Earn Relevant Work Experience

One of the benefits of volunteering in high school is that you earn relevant work experience that helps your career. Research shows that the concept of civic-mindedness is becoming increasingly more important in the workplace. Employers are noticing that employees in the workforce—especially younger individuals—are socially-aware and try to work in fields or companies that share and reflect their values. The skills you can learn through volunteering showcase your strengths regarding teamwork and innovation, two qualities today’s employers consider important.

Aside from the actual skills, the social causes you’ve supported can also increase career development. Many companies and corporations actively support volunteer programs and encourage employees to engage with these organizations. Not only will your previous experience look good on your résumé, but the category in which you volunteered can help you build a positive relationship with an employer that advocates for the same causes.

6. Increase Your Happiness

When you choose to volunteer, you’re making the decision to selflessly work for the good of others without payment. This act of kindness is not only empowering, but it can also fill you with a profound sense of purpose. Whether you chose to volunteer in a capacity that has personal significance in your life—or if a new cause you’ve encountered finds a special place in your heart— you’ll be happier as you discover a new purpose.

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