2nd April, 2023
What to do after you fell down the stairs
Falling down steps can happen to anyone. Knowing what to do when you fall down the stairs in advance can help minimize injuries and ensure help reaches you as soon as possible.
If you suffer a fall on stairs and you are alone, you can take the following steps:
Use your cell phone or call out for help.
-Bang the stairs or floor with a shoe or other hard object to attract attention.
-Get into a safe, comfortable position to wait for help if you are able. If possible, move off the stairs to a flat surface.
-If you think moving will exacerbate any injuries, then lie still and wait for assistance to arrive.
Once you or others have assessed your injuries, you can:
-Apply an ice pack to areas of minor pain to reduce the chance of swelling.
-Take over the counter pain medicine, such as ibuprofen, to reduce discomfort and inflammation.
-Seek emergency medical treatment for severe injuries like broken bones, open wounds or head trauma.
-Consult your doctor or medical professional if mild to moderate pain or injuries don’t improve in several days.
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